
I get inspired by my last night’s dream and desperately wanted to become an Alchemist.

In the depths of my dream, I was taken by my maternal grandfather, who died twenty years back, to a far away hilltop cottage. He told me, an old lady who knows lots about the spirit world is residing there and she may gift me with rare mystical books, she has written on the rules of the spirit world.

Like my childhood days tightly holding his fingers I accompanied him. We walked for long and by twilight reached a classic vintage cottage.

The old lady, owner of the house was happy seeing us and told us she was not writing anything these days as was busy with doing alchemy. She promised if we may stay for a day she will search for some old books 📚 late night. We agreed.

My grandfather told me he will just walk a little up to the hills and will return by morning and I can spend time with the lady. I have seen him walking effortlessly up the steep hill. I felt sad and remained there watching through the window for his return. I shared my feelings with that lady that my grandfather is so old to walk up such a steep path. But she didn’t pay much attention and told me if I wish she could give me a few books to read. She also added she had more books 📚 on secret spirits and alchemy but was taken by my spiritual partner who visited the place few years back.

I didn’t pay much attention to what she said as I was worried about my grandfather and don’t want to disclose my real feelings to this strange old lady. I read a few of her vintage collections and watched what the lady was doing. Then a marriage possession crossed the path outside, the bride was in a colourful dress accompanied by ladies in eye catching costumes. I left the books and went with the possession with immense curiosity to see the wedding ceremony.

I found my dreams  vague,  difficult to interpret and find any connection🤔

Published by Devi Bhagavati

Goddess from God's Own Country 🌌

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