The 🧹 Witches ðŸª„

I don’t know the strange roads I have to unravel and how far to go in this lifetime in my journey to God-hood from witch-hood. If my childhood memory serves me right, I was yearning for becoming a witch and even dreamt of my supernatural life in dark woods, when I was little. If someoneContinue reading “The 🧹 Witches ðŸª„”


I get inspired by my last night’s dream and desperately wanted to become an Alchemist. In the depths of my dream, I was taken by my maternal grandfather, who died twenty years back, to a far away hilltop cottage. He told me, an old lady who knows lots about the spirit world is residing thereContinue reading “Alchemist”

An old story

“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awoke, and there I was veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was thenContinue reading “An old story”


The melodious songs we love to listen appeared to be equally soulful and painful. I wish these summer days never leave me as the winter every time add a tinge of melancholia to my aching soul. I adore the singer Lana Del Rey and one of her songs ‘Summertime Sadness’ , remind me a movieContinue reading “Liberation”

Koschei Koi birds

In everyone’s life there should be some mysterious secret to make their life journey exciting. Otherwise there is no thrill in living it. In my wild imagination I like to transform every night into a falcon bird, flew away through my apartment window when all fell asleep, visit far far away mystical landscapes and returnContinue reading “Koschei Koi birds”

Rhythm of life

Rhythm…. Is it something related to music only?? Everything is having a rhythm, breathing, talking, walking, thinking are all in synchronicity with a universal rhythm. Close your eyes. Deep in  heart we can reflect the stream of life swiftly flowing even in turbulent times.  We can ecstatically enjoy everything we do  if we can linkContinue reading “Rhythm of life”

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